Saturday, September 23, 2006

Journey Home

After V. had transferred into the SBCU, her Mother was allowed home so the next few days was spent driving between work, home and the hospital. She was making very good progress and on the Saturday after she was born we were told that the Doctor wanted to make one last check but if all was well she could come home - a bit of a surpries as A.had been in hospital for over two weeks before we could take him. There is obviously some policy at the hospital about clearing the wards on Saturday afternoons because by 2pm the previously heaving SCBU ward was down to 4 babies including V. Before she could leave I had to pay her medical bills - extremely good value (c. $400) and certainly cheaper than the car-parking.

A careful drive home and then V was nestling in the bosom of the family, meeting A for the first time and Dina.

That was around 6 weeks ago. When she returned to the hospital to be assessed on 21 August she had already put on 2lbs and has been eating us out of house and home ever since - on her due date (13/9) she weighed 8 1/2lbs and has certainly been keeping the rest of the family (particulaly her Mother) on their toes ever since.

A. has reacted very well to having a sister and has been explaining to friends (and as is his way, most strangers) about his new sister. Long may it continue.


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