Saturday, March 24, 2007

Got a ticket for the 7s anyone?

It is that time of year again when arms are twisted, favours called in and unashamed cajolery is used to secure a ticket to the rugby. This year ticket supply appears to be particularly tight (although it is not clear why this should be). I have so far only secured a ticket for the Friday . I need at least 2 sets for the whole weekend and so anticipate a hectic week of indulgence in the above activities to make sure we don't miss out on the party.

Work has been really hectic with an unexpected seminar to prepare for on Tuesday and a major deadline on Friday. Same again next week so I hope that the 7s tickets come through so I can enjoy the weekend.

Decided to relax a bit today so, although I went in to work, I took A. in as well who seemed inordinately pleased with the idea of going into to "work" (he has a lot to learn) proudly carrying in his "work" bag (in fact a Cathay Pacific goody rucksack) and securing a seat next to my workstation to undertake operations (mainly chatting to some of my colleagues). The net effect was that little work was actually done (either be me or my colleagues) although A. was his usual charming self and came away with a lot of sweetie goodies.

We met E. and V. at Ocean park and had a good lunch at the Bayview cafe and enjoyed the delights of the shark pool and the aquarium (surely one of the best in Asia). V. certainly seemed to enjoy the fish (she was in one of those baby carriers facing outward and was a source of considerable attention from the coachloads of Mainland tourists who were visiting the Park). She is nearly 8 months now and quite noisy (when the mood takes her) but certainly not as active as A. (who had started crawling by this stage).

A. had a party this afternoon so I took the opportunity to catch up some of the major sleep deficit I managed to build up this week. Weather is warm/ humid and very hazy - ideal 7s watching conditions (do you think I might be a little obsessed with this?).


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