Saturday, December 01, 2007

Election Fever

Ran (almost literally) into Anson Chan during my lunch break last week canvassing in Wanchai during the current round of HK elections. Ms Chan's electioneering was reasonably traditional in style - kissing babies, shaking hands etc. (albeit with various TV crews and photographers in attendance). However, on the South side of the Island the favoured technique for winning hearts and minds appears to consist of candidates standing at the side of the road with a huge grin on their face waving manically at passing motorists (usually with a banner next to them with their picture on it to make sure there is no mistake as to who they are). Not sure how effective this technique can be in winning people over with the power of your personality, the eloquence of your advocacy or the persuasiveness of your policies but I suppose at least the electorate have a fair idea how good (and for how long) the candidates are at waving and smiling at the same time.....


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