Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A long absence

Apologies for the lengthy delays between posts. The main reason was simply a lack of any desire to say anything. I mentioned in my last post that my mother was very unwell and unfortunately she passsed away a few weeks after. I was lucky enough to be with her throughout the last weeks of her illness so was able to support her (as best I could) and the rest of the family during a very difficult period. Thank goodness for an understanding employer. E and I returned shortly afterwards for the funeral in the UK where I gave the Eulogy. Not the easiest piece of public speaking I have ever done but one that was a privilege to undertake particulaly given the huge number of family and friends who attended to bid her farewell. My Mother was a remarkable women and I am not sure that I could ever have done her proper justice but at least I had the opportunity to say how much I loved her and respected her achievements in public. My Father then came out to HK for some R & R which took in the Rugby 7s and 10s which I think he enjoyed (his stay was extended by a week due to Oasis going bust) and it was good to be able to spend some time with him. A longer post will follow to record other happenings over the last few months.